"How It Works" Guide for ABG Care

Site Introduction

Welcome to the new ABG Care health and wellness site!

ABG Care provides an engaging and rewarding experience that guides participants down the path to a healthier lifestyle of decisions and behaviors. Through routine and regular engagement, we enable members to achieve personal goals that increase their productivity and help reduce healthcare costs. We are dedicated to creating a culture of health and wellbeing in which each member can improve and maintain their physical, social and emotional health. Our unique system has a complete engagement strategy that helps your population stay involved and incentivized through multiple mechanisms. By connecting members with their own social networks and allowing them to use smart mobile devices and wearables for accurate self-reporting, we empower our members to take charge of their health. his means a healthier life overall and greater wellbeing for you and your co-workers!

So please take a moment to read through the guide and acquaint yourself with the program. The site offers a single source for health management and we want you to make the most of it.


The ABG Care website is focusing on three main things: You, helping you improve your health, and assisting you with helping others. While your participation on the site is completely voluntary, you are encouraged to spend time exploring and discovering what it has to offer. ABG Care has created an incentive program whereby accomplishing goals and completing activities results in token awards that can be redeemed for gifts at the rewards mall. You can also connect and communicate with others on the site. Keep in touch about health activities and share inspiring stories with one another. If you have a volunteering spirit, ABG Care will help you find events, organizations, and charities where you can contribute in your local community. Before you know it, you will find that ABG Care has become your go-to portal for living well and inspiring change.

Your Personal Wellness Journey

By participating in the ABG Care portal, you are guided through a personalized wellness journey designed to help you achieve your unique health goals. Progress is tracked and displayed through a "Participation Score." Completing activities raises your score and also accumulates tokens. You are rewarded for completing health assessments, quizzes, tracking daily activities, and performing weekly challenges. As you earn and accumulate healthy-tokens over time, you can redeem them for an assortment of items available through the reward program vendor (Celebrate) selected by ABG.

Getting Started

Once you have logged into the site and changed your initial password, you will be directed to the home page where you will find a wealth of information and features. To get started with the scheduled activity program, you'll open up "my activities" under the "my task" panel and see a Welcome Card. Open it to get started on the program.

Completing the Welcome Card will get you going with a series of directed activities on the site: Assessments (questionnaires), Health Education, Tracking Activities, and Challenges. The first assessment card will ask you general questions about your lifestyle and start you on the Physical Wellness track. Later, you will be directed to additional dimensions such as, Emotional and Social Wellness. Before getting into more detail about the cards, let's take an overview of the site layout and how to navigate this feature rich health and wellness portal.

Navigating the ABG Care Website

At the top of the screen (see example) you will see three main tabs labeled as "home", "live well", and "inspire change". These three sections provide access to many of the site functions, content and activities you will be performing with ABG Care.

To the right of the navigation tabs, you will find a set of icons that notify you of new messages [1], invitations to connect [2], invitations to talks [3], and site messages [4]. There is also access to your profile [5] to review and make changes. To the left of the tab bar, you will find the "my profile" panel that also allows you to revise your profile information, as well as change notification/email preferences, your interests, and security settings (password, security question, pin).


The "home"page is essentially your "dashboard" that displays your pertinent information and settings [1], access to your digital health record ("my health") [2], your tasks and events [3], community postings [4], company statistics [5], and general company communications in the center panel.

1. my profile

my settings

my score

This displays your participation score. Every card based activity on the site has a score rating that adds to your total participation score when completed. This is a measure of how active you are on the site during the year. This number is used for the leader board ranking, where you can see the most active members of the site. A little competition is good for you!

my tokens

This displays your Healthy Tokens balance. Your tokens accumulate for activities that you complete. They are transferred on a quarterly calendar cycle to the rewards vendor (Tharpe Robbins Celebrate) where they are applied towards your rewards mall balance. It's good to know that being actively engaged on ABG Care not only means a healthier you, but also a choice of rewards down the road.

2. my health

This is your personal health section of the ABG Care site, that is PIN protected (set by a value of your choosing).

3. my tasks

Your "deck" for keeping track of things that you are doing

4. community snapshot

This is your communication deck. Here you will see your connections, connection lists, community posts, your own community, private messages, and talks.

5. making a difference

This displays statistical information about how the site is being used by everyone, which includes total weight loss, miles and steps walked, total hours of movement activity, total numbers of activities completed and number of created teams.

live well

The "live well" page focuses on you and your activities. The "my task" section is expanded, giving access to your completed activities and your personal challenges. Two other panels also appear: leader board [6] and my apps & devices [7]. The center panel displays important company posted health related content and offers healthful advice. You will also see a section of panels below for displaying any relevant alerts that pertain to you (measures at risk) [A], your health assessment rankings [B], personal challenges you have shared, and available challenges you may select [C].

1. my profile

(your settings, score total, token balance)

2. my health

(your personal health record and supplementary activity logging)

3. my tasks

Your "deck" for keeping track of things that you are doing

4. community snapshot

(your communication deck for community and personal interactions)

5. making a difference

(current site-wide participation statistics)

6. leader board

See how others are doing on the site and how you compare. You can see who is the most active within the scope of your personal connections, or for the Top 50 across the site. See someone you'd like to know more about? Click on their profile link and you will see their public details. You can also submit a connection request and increase your health & wellness connections.

7. my apps & devices

Do you have a biometric device from Withings or FitBit? Great! You can connect a device like this to your ABG Care profile. All you need to do is register your login credentials to the website that is used by your device and your biometric data can be easily retrieved to be used here in your tracker activities. When a connection is made a special button appears on the tracker that will pull recent biometric data (the most recent activity logged within the last 3 days). You can do this for a variety of measures, including weight, activity duration, steps, and even sleep data.

inspire change

The "inspire change" page focuses on ways for you to volunteer and contribute to your community. The "my task" section changes to show your assigned event/volunteering activities. The center panel informs you about volunteering and contribution opportunities. Below you will see the available events section displaying recently added events. There is also basic and advanced search capabilities to find volunteering events that interest you in your community.

1. my profile

(your settings, score total, token balance)

2. my health

(your personal health record and supplementary activity logging)

3. my task

Your "deck" for keeping track of things that you are doing

4. community snapshot

(your communication deck for community and personal interactions)

5. making a difference

(current site-wide participation statistics)

The Activity Program

After completing the Welcome Card, you probably noticed another card appearing called "Physical Wellness." This is a short assessment (questionnaire) that will ask you a few questions about your physical state. From there, other cards will appear for you to use at your convenience, such as educational content, activity or lifestyle trackers, and challenges. So what happens when you open one? When you click on a card image, a window pops up telling you what the activity is about and what to do next. Completion of an activity leads to additional activities becoming available, either immediately or gradually over time. Each activity earns you points towards your participation score and adds tokens to your balance for later redemption.

These activities fall within dimensions that organize the program, starting with Physical Wellness and next leading to Emotional Wellness and finally Social Wellness. Each of these dimensions contain their own specific content and activities that you will experience over the course of your participation on the site.

These questionnaires will ask you a short list of questions on a given topic, which add information applied towards your HRA (health risk assessment) score. Additionally, some educational content will be shown after providing your responses.

Educational Content:
On the site there is a wealth of information available to you on topics covering your health and wellness. These informational cards appear after completing assessments or reading other educational material, and are each focused on a particular topic.

After reading content about a particular aspect of health, be it physical activities, managing your weight, and gaining insight on diet and nutrition, there are often trackers that will appear. These encourage you to be attentive to doing things that are beneficial to your health, by regularly logging your activities (weighing yourself, consumption of vegetables, fruits, and water, etc). Typically these run for 30 days starting from the day you began the tracker, after which they reset. Completion for achieving rewards is after making a minimum number of daily entries within the duration that can vary depending upon the tracker (like 8, 10, 12, 15, etc). You can always make more entries after completion, as you are encouraged to make these a regular habit.

Challenges appear in several ways. Some may be companywide that typically run for 30 days. There are also weekly challenges presented to you, focused on giving you tips and advice on achieving a healthier lifestyle. Periodically you will be given a personal challenge, usually following successful completion of your related tracker (e.g. completing the weight tracker launched a weight challenge). When presented, the challenge allows you to have a friend or colleague involved by confirming your healthy activities. For example, going to work out together, participating in a bike riding event, taking a long hike on a weekend, you name it. Your friend must confirm that you actually did the activity in order for you to achieve completion. Some challenges are also on the honor system, where you do them on your own and report your completion, or via a WiFi enabled biometric device (if you have one registered).


Whenever a new activity becomes available, you will receive an e-mail notification (by default, unless you change your communication settings). You'll also be notified of invitations to connect with other members, alerts to messages received, important system notifications, and confirmations anytime you change your security settings.

Measuring Up

The two main numbers that are important to you are the participation score and token balance. As progress is made with your site engagements/activities, your score goes up and more tokens are added to your balance. You can always find them on display on the left column of your screen below your profile panel.

ABG Care supplies each member with a periodic report that consists of information about their activities, measures of their progress, and educational information, which is used to derive an overall engagement score. Generally, reports are sent on a bi-weekly basis but you can also look at your current status at any time in the "live well" page. This report helps members to understand in what areas they are showing progress and where they should work harder. In addition to individual reports, the wellness coordinators will receive a summary report that analyzes the progress of their population on a monthly basis. So every person's activity counts toward making the wellness program a success.

The Rewards

Your ABG Care Healthy Tokens accumulate based on a quarterly calendar cycle and reflects all site activities during that period. At the appointed time (typically quarterly), the tokens are transferred to the rewards vendor (Celebrate) where they will be applied towards your balance. It's good to know that being actively engaged on ABG Care not only means a healthier you, but also a choice of rewards down the road.


Ever volunteer for a charity event? Do you know where to find them? ABG Care provides a means for your company to create entries for volunteering events where employees can enroll and participate, to "inspire change". These can be events where employees contribute labor (hours) and/or funds. Most events have a physical location but some can be done from home (e.g. a funds-only contribution). In the member experience, the inspire change page shows a panel with links to:

On the inspire change page, an event search panel is provided below the center content section for you to find available events in which you can enroll. Both basic and advanced searches are provided. When viewing a results list, you'll see basic info about each volunteering event that appears similar to the volunteer events cards displayed in the home page panels. Opening up a card shows a full details list for the selected event, including a link to view members who are participating. Each event will have a status as follows: Most events tend to run for one day, but some may be multiple days. A member can make one participation entry per day. When the event closes, there is a grace period of 3 days for a member to make their last entry. After the event is finished, the creator of the event (an administrator) can post event related comments and photos that may have been taken showing participation.

ABG Care also allows you to create your own personal volunteer event entries. This is done through the "my lifestyle" link in the "my health" panel. This is useful for helping you keep track of your own volunteering, like working at a senior citizen center or a soup kitchen. You can start and end logging of those volunteering events at any time.

Your Daily Visits

Now that you've become acquainted with the site, you're probably wondering how you'll be using it from day to day. First and foremost, when you log in you have the option of selecting "Remember Me", which frees you up from having to enter your credentials each time (you can always turn this off if you wish). So when you visit the site, you're automatically logged in and presented with the home page, where you can read any current companywide information or visit the "community posts" for any new messages that may have been posted.

Usually your next step is to check for notifications. You may see one or more red number alerts appearing over icons for new activities, messaging, connection requests, or other notifications. You can click on any of those to pop up a list for you to read, and then either click on an entry or select "see all" to go to a more detailed page for better viewing.

Otherwise, you might select the "my community" to check on correspondence with other people you've connected with on the site. You may have a private message to read, a new comment, or a reply to check out on your community wall. You can also respond to invitations to connect or search for someone and send them an invitation to connect.

From the "home" or "live well" pages, you will always see the "my activities" panel that lists any new cards available to you, including weekly challenges. If you click on "see all", you will see a larger panel displaying the cards in your deck, categorized by their types. For an even more detailed listing, click on the layout icon on the upper right corner of the panel title bar to toggle between thumbnail and detail views. Remember that you can adjust how much is displayed in view by clicking on the sub panel title bars to open or collapse them.

On the "my activities" panel, you can open any daily trackers that you have going, to log activities for the day (reporting your weight, water consumption, etc.). There may also be weekly challenges to revisit, as some may require more than one entry during the week to complete. You may want to check the community rankings, to see how well others are performing on the site, by checking the "leader board" panel on the right side. Also consider using the "my challenges" feature to set up and manage specific goals that you'd like to set for yourself, which are based on a number of days you set to achieve them.

Also, throughout your use of the site, you have your own medical information and physical measurements that you can enter and review on the "my health" panel. There's also a lifestyle section where you can keep track of behaviors you'd like to control, namely smoking and alcohol consumption.

Thank you for being a member of ABG Care and good luck on your journey to better health!